
Human Error and Performance Influencing Factors – The Great Safe Space Race

The Great Safe Space Race is a 2-hour team game that combines physical challenges and constraints to illustrate how certain factors can influence performance. Topics include distractions, ergonomics, teamwork, communication and more. Each task provides an excellent opportunity for discussions about how each PIF impacts work in real-life. Which team will be able to manage the pressure and win the race to earth?

The Great Space Race is provided by our games partner Caspian Psychology.

Contact the team for a demonstration

The Great Safe Space Race is a game used to illustrate and create discussion about the impact of various Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) on performance. The PIFs covered during the game are:

  • distraction
  • ergonomics
  • time pressure
  • workload
  • communication
  • competency
  • bias and weak signals
  • teamwork
  • equipment.

This game can be played with a group of up to 12 people (although there is a version that can accommodate up to 25) split into 2 to 4 teams. The teams compete to reach earth first, moving on a space each time they complete a task successfully. The tasks are made more difficult by PIFs which the other teams select from three possible options. After each task has been attempted the trainer, using the guidance provided, facilitates a discussion about the impact of each PIF.