COMET is our unique toolkit for investigation, root cause identification and prevention. It enables you to solve issues and maximise performance.
Step 1 Investigation
The SID-Grid
Unlike other systems that focus only on root cause analysis, COMET offers an end-to-end, process, founded on investigative forensic practices. The COMET process starts by setting out the Significant Investigation Data (SID) Grid, enabling you to focus on uncovering all the relevant facts to form the basis of a rigorous investigation.Step 2 Barrier Evaluation
COMET Lenses
Understanding the barriers or control measures that are designed to protect your people and assets, but which failed or were missing, is key to understanding what caused the incident / performance loss. Using COMET Lenses, you will be able to evaluate failed and missing barriers that are specific to your sector and organisation e.g. safety, environment, quality and equipment.Step 3
Change Evaluation
When a planned task or activity that has been performed routinely in the past without any issues suddenly fails or goes wrong, something has changed. COMET Change Evaluation helps you to understand the origin of adverse change/s that are relevant to the incident / performance loss.Step 4
COMET Factors
COMET Factors are the failures, errors or shortfalls that directly contributed to the incident / performance loss or made its consequences worse. The identification of COMET Factors is a key step in pinpointing root causes. COMET Factors enable you to identify what went wrong before root causes reveal why things went wrong.Step 5 Root Causes
COMET Root Maps
Root causes are revealed by analysing COMET Factors across COMET’s five unique Root Maps…- Communication
- Operating environment
- Management
- Equipment
- Training
Step 6 Preventive Action
Action Prompts
COMET supports the investigator with a unique set of SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Reasonable /Relevant, Timely, Effective, Reviewed) preventive action prompts for each root cause. Based on years of delivering effective action plans, COMET prompts help you create your preventive action plan. COMET preventive action prompts provide a spectrum of effective and creative actions designed to achieve both short and long term prevention goals.What makes COMET different?
Traditional root cause analysis tends to divert effort to analysis based on less than rigorous investigation, resulting in uncoordinated or skewed preventive actions. The COMET process is unique. It recognises that emphasis on the ‘Discover’ phase of event investigation generates high quality input data and gives you a solid foundation for making sound decisions for future prevention.
COMET 60 has been specifically designed to complement the COMET process and is deployed when initial assessment categorises an incident as “Level 1 – Low Consequences”. The COMET 60 process gives you a meaningful investigation and effective preventive actions in 60 minutes.
COMET can be applied to any situation where you need to know why something went wrong and want to prevent it happening again.
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If you have any questions about COMET, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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One of our human factors associates will be on hand to learn about your business and see if we can help.